Hotels Near Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

We have 3 unique properties within a short distance of Volcanoes National Park. Please note that self check-in is available at each property location. Proceed directly to your specific property location to check-in.

Planning a trip to Volcanoes National Park? Looking for affordable options? Look no further. Our Volcano National Park hotel, nestled in the pristine Hawaiian rain forest, has everything you need for an unforgettable stay in Volcano Village. Located just 3 miles from the entrance to Volcanoes National Park, Kilauea Hospitality Group offers three accommodations options, tailored to the unique needs of each guest and group.

Start planning your Volcano Vacation

Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park is truly a wonder. Here you’ll witness – firsthand – the vastness of Hawaii’s open landscape and the power of mother nature. There are many things to see in Volcanoes National Park. You can enjoy a self-guided driving tour, go on a day hike, or take a back-country hike through the remote wilderness.

Contact Us

Please Note: All check-ins are at each property location. See maps below for directions

Kilauea Hospitality Group

PO BOX 998

(808) 967-7786

Chalet Kilauea Property Location

Lokahi Lodge Property Location

Volcano Hale Property Location

Please Note: All check-ins are at each individual location